Assistant professor

I am an agricultural economist and passionate about food and global food systems. I seek to contribute to a better understanding of how policy can better address pressing social issues in food systems so that people who are essential for global and local food supply can prosper. My research and teaching focus mainly on lower-income countries, consider diverse food systems actors, and emphasize vulnerable, often-overlooked, or difficult-to-interview groups such as female farmers and child and migrant workers. In my research, I use quantitative primary and secondary data and quantitative methods. You can find more information on my external page private homepage.

I support the professorships’ administrative and personnel build-up and processes, currently working for the professorships of Food Systems Economics and Policy (IED), Forest Ecology (ITES) and Physics of Environmental Systems (ITES). My professional background is both in private industry and the academic environment. My qualifications are in Management Assistance (eidg. FA), Human Resources (HF NDS HRM) and Foreign Language Teaching (SVEB/CELTA/EUROLTA).

I am a postdoctoral researcher interested in labor market dynamics in agri-food systems in low- and middle-income countries. My research interests are primarily in the fields of agricultural and development economics. I focus on rural labor markets and the inclusion of vulnerable workers, such as women, migrants, and informal workers in agri-food systems. I use both primary and secondary data and focus on quantitative methods. I hold a Ph.D. in labor markets and rural development from KU Leuven, Belgium. In my Ph.D. I investigated the job quality of wage workers in agri-food systems in Senegal and Peru. Additionally, I hold a master’s degree in nutrition and rural development from U Gent and a master’s degree in business engineering from KU Leuven.

I am a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer focusing on economic development, labour relations and agrarian change. My research takes a political economy perspective and applies a range of quantitative and qualitative methods. For my PhD in Geography and Sustainable Development (University of Bern), I have undertaken extensive mixed-methods fieldwork in the main coffee-producing regions of Laos and Rwanda. I hold a master’s degree in Violence, Conflict and Development from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London.
Doctoral Researchers

I am a Doctoral Researcher with a background in Agricultural and Rural Development Economics. My research interests lie at the intersection of agri-food value chains, labor market, and development economics. In my current role, I address specific research questions on the role of agri-food employment and rural labor markets in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) #3 (good health and well-being), #5 (gender equality), and (#8) decent work. I focus on agri-food employment in Nigeria’s tomato sector. In my research, I will use primary data and quantitative methods. I hold an MSc in International Agribusiness and Rural Development Economics from Göttingen (Germany) and a B. Agric in Agricultural Economics from the University of Ibadan (Nigeria).

My research focuses on the socio-economic impacts of low pesticide systems on agricultural workers. I am particularly interested in the working conditions in Swiss grape production. Previously, I worked for a sustainability consultancy (Swiss Climate AG) and in public affairs (Swiss Banking and politimpuls GmbH). I hold a Master's degree in Environmental and Resource Economics from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Bern (Switzerland) and a minor in Environmental Sciences from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).
Hauke Dahl

I am an external PhD candidate, working at the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT in the Climate Action Team. I am based in Nairobi and my work focuses on analyzing the potential of agrifoodtechs and SMEs to scale food systems innovations in Sub-Saharan Africa. My particular interest is on the role of private finance as a driver for uptake of innovations by the agribusiness sector. Previously, I was an Integrated Expert at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) as a member of the CGIAR/GIZ Task Force on Scaling, a program of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Prior experience includes internships and fulltime roles in development, startup, retail finance and consulting. I hold a BA in Business Administration and an MSc in Sustainability Management from ESCP Business School, France.

My research focusses on analyzing international agri-food value chains and their sustainability implications. I am particularly interested in the effect of trade on agricultural labor markets, consumption-based accounting, and input-output analysis. My professional background includes working as a working student in sustainability management for a multinational company and as a student assistant at the Chair of Agricultural Market Analysis at the University of Göttingen (Germany). I completed internships in the private sector, with the German Development Organization (GIZ) and at various organic and conventional farms. I hold a BSc and MSc in Agricultural Science focusing on Agricultural Economics from the University of Göttingen (Germany) with studies abroad at the University of Talca (Chile) and University of Helsinki (Finland).

I am a Doctoral Student with a background in Agricultural Economics. My research focuses on agrifood labor issues in Southeast Asia. Before joining the group, I worked as a Research Analyst for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Myanmar. Prior to IFPRI, I was a Consultant for the International Labor Organisation (ILO) and the Responsible Supply Chains in Asia Program. I hold a MSc in International Development and Agricultural Economics from the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Delhi.